Every month we ask our fellow CBC employees a question so we can get to know more about each other. (And so you can get to know us better too.)
This month we challenged our co-workers to take a look at their phones and check out which emojis were logged under “frequently used.” You can really tell a lot about a person by the emojis they use. So this month’s question was (*drum roll please*)…
What is your most-used emoji and why?
“Laughing and crying at the same time, because it makes sense in a lot of situations! Laugh it out.”
– Erin, Senior Digital Marketing Specialist
“Lately it’s been this one because people have been so nice to me!! (Just got married)”
– Kerryn, Senior Manager, Brand Integration
“…Because of my ‘condition.’”
– Robin, VP of Brand Integration
“The salsa dancer girl. Because I’m just a girl, dancing my way confusedly through life.”
– Kelsey, Digital Marketing Specialist
”The fist bump. It’s a quick way to say “I agree”, “thanks”, and about ten other things…AND it’s more sanitary than a handshake.”
– Len, CEO
”The smiley face with smiley eyes. I try to be a positive person and have a lot of people help me achieve that. It’s my way of letting them know.”
– Jamie, Intern
”Eyeballs. Because I’m usually saying something sarcastic or punny and am waiting for a reaction…”
– Gina, Digital Marketing Strategist ”Either the hands up emoji or the laugh until you cry face. It’s a party/celebration or really happy that I’m crying… and I love both those things.”
– Annie, PR Specialist
”Shaka. Because it’s basically the dad joke way to say ‘okay’”.
– Jess, PR Manager
”Smiley face. Basic, but sometimes I just need people to know that I’m smiling.”
– Franny, Senior Brand Specialist
”The surprise hand/face one. I feel like it resembles my actual expressions/animation.”
– Blair, PR Specialist
”Laughing/crying emoji… I’m hoping because I’m laughing so hard that I’m crying… what could be better?”
– Noelle VP, Experiential PR
”Laughing emoji with tear. No matter what mood I’m in, humor always tends to make things better. I also like to think I’m a funny guy although my girlfriend might tell you otherwise.“
– Jared, PR Associate
”Two ‘OK’ hands and twinkle stars. It’s my way of saying ‘great, love it, okay’. It’s an Adventure Time reference and form of approval from a character.”
– Alex, Senior Graphic Designer
“The sparkly emoji! Because why not add sparkle to absolutely everything! (It can only make things better.)”
– Andi, Brand Associate
”Because I’m always suggesting crazy things and don’t know how people are going to respond!”
-Jen, Director of Business Development
“It can be used in so many scenarios… also a good one to break up any awkward situations.”
– Whitney, Senior Brand Specialist, Brand Integration
“Emojis are too much effort.”
– Marie, Director of Finance and Operation
What are your frequently used emojis? Tweet us at @cerconebrown!