B2B PR & Marketing Services with Secret Sauce
Video & Data Analysis
CerconeBrown has a successful 15+ year history in public relations and marketing services for brands across the country. The fundamental skills and abilities our team brings to PR and marketing are more relevant than ever today. We have been highly focused and carefully researching how business purchasing processes are changing. We have a successful team of professionals in data analytics, B2B video production, with a special emphasis on understanding the digital and social channels (HINT: B2B success is found today on LinkedIn and YouTube) are most effective in reaching business customers, vendor partners, and investors.
Not only are we adept in getting editorial and earned media coverage, and we know how to how to shape business stories to get attention in this new age of business buyer journey’s driven by social media posts, video content, email campaign strategy, paid sponsorship, and organic search.
Speaking of the buyer’s journey – this process was already going through massive change before COVID rocked our world. Purchasing decisions are no longer made from the top down, or even by a single decision-maker. Many B2B purchases come in through a side door championed by a young, tech-savvy employee and spread throughout a company via word of mouth. Even large enterprise purchases are often made by a committee made up of rank-and-file staff, rather than seasoned executives. [Harvard Business Review]
As the B2B sales cycle looks more and more like the B2C sales process, CBC’s longtime expertise in consumer brand storytelling combined with our experts in data analysis and video production means B2B companies now have the perfect agency to keep pace with the changing landscape of B2B sales cycle.
Why the Emphasis in Developing Video Content?
If you are trying to help potential customers find you and see your company as a key solution to their business needs, finding a quick, effective way to translate your case studies, white papers, and technical documentation into video content featuring real people is paramount.
Video content is trending on LinkedIn, Google, and other digital platforms commonly used in the workplace. It’s not something you want to ignore; 93 percent of online experiences start with a search engine. Search engine and social media algorithms are geared to rank video content higher than other kinds of content. According to Cisco in 2016 videos accounted for more than 70% of the internet traffic and the forecast suggests it will be up to 82% by 2021.
Video doesn’t replace the need for organic search tactics on your web-based marketing materials. Rather video is simply the newest addition to your tool chest – and currently – the most-effective way to grow your sales leads in your customers’ sales journey.
Video content is the best option to focus your audience and keep their attention. Video can be a great tool to boost sales as it can increase conversion rates by 80%.
How is Data Analysis Meaningful in Video Production?
Content with a purpose is CBCs response to the ever-changing landscape of content marketing. It is no longer about simply generating content that you hope resonates with your prospects and then stuffing that content in a blog or on social channels. CBCs approach is about how to use data to ensure content marketing drives results that even the most analytical bean counter will love.
Our data analytics team infuses data at the beginning of the content creation process. Now, in addition to measuring performance after its posted, our predictive content tools provide data that shows us exactly what your audience is looking for and how your content can fit in. This way, we create content designed from idea to deployment to drive against specific business goals.
In the brainstorming process, research data provides feedback to ensure that the ideas generated will answer to a users’ need for content. As content is created, we ensure content is created that aligns not only with your brand, but provides answers to the questions your prospective users are already typing into search engines. Finally, the cornerstone of every data cruncher — tracking results. CBCs data analytics team will devise a tracking strategy to help prove ROI and evolve the content creation process to focus ever more clearly on the content that brings in new leads.
This analytics process is used for all types of content creation and distribution, including video, photography, website content, blogs and more, and on all channels. Data and analysis always has a seat at the CBC table ensuring alignment with your end users, your C-Suite and your marketing goals.