Garnet Hill


Garnet Hill shoppers expect to see the brand show up in their mailboxes. What they never expected to see was a beautiful, furnished Garnet Hill Mobile Boutique store made from a refurbished shipping container. Our mobile boutique allowed consumers to touch and feel the quality and craftsmanship of Garnet Hill’s products, learn about the brand’s history and, of course, shop. The store was a moving, living, breathing branded billboard, which we also used to house media events, wine tastings, farm-to-table brunches and art shows for local communities to enjoy.

The Mobile Boutique provided a gateway to collaborate with new and existing partners, reach new customers, establish credibility, ignite discussion with press, create content and social buzz. Experiential, refreshing, innovative, true to Garnet Hill’s Beautiful, Naturally brand positioning.


Reached 11.3 million people
Media Relations exposure: 4.1 million impressions
Media Partner (Apartment Therapy, etc) exposure: 5.3 million impressions
Social Amplification: 1.95 million impressions