B2B PR & Marketing Services

CerconeBrown has a successful 15+ year history in public relations and marketing services for brands across the country. The fundamental skills and abilities our team brings to PR and marketing are more relevant than ever today. We have been highly focused and carefully researching how business purchasing processes are changing.

CerconeBrown has observed that purchasing decisions are no longer made from the top down, or even by a single decision-maker. Many B2B purchases come in through a side door championed by a young, tech-savvy employee and spread throughout a company via word of mouth. A committee often makes even large enterprise purchases. Teams are made up of rank-and-file staff rather than seasoned executives.

B2B businesses have three core ways to gain leads. Networking, Referral, and PR/Marketing. For the most part, networking and referrals do not scale, which is why it is so important to have a robust PR and Marketing engine to keep your sales team busy.

This is why B2B has been a focus for CerconeBrown. Not only are we adept in getting editorial and earned media coverage, but we know how to how to shape business stories. We seek to get you attention in this new age of business buyer journeys driven by social media posts, video content, email campaign strategy, paid sponsorship, and organic search.


CerconeBrown takes a unique approach to PR & Marketing. We are a big enough firm to have both PR & Marketing under one roof, but small enough to be flexible and effective with an integrated strategy, creative creation, implementation, and reporting program. We employ a “sliding scale of services,” meaning your team will include experts across the PR and digital marketing continuum. This allows us to focus on the right tactic at the right time, so as your needs change, your budget stays the same.


At the start of any engagement, we will determine what the end goal is (i.e., leads, conversions, email address collection), and together, we will make a path of real KPIs that we can use to measure results along the way. By focusing on the results first, we will cut through a lot of the work clutter that slows down dynamic marketing and sales teams.


Our efforts are effective. We track and report on everything that we do. What sets us apart is that we also focus on the entire journey to know that our efforts are yielding real results. This is the biggest issue that faces PR and Marketing teams: tracking results from the top of the funnel to conversion, which brings us back to the integrated approach, where creativity & strategy are interwoven with tracking & reporting. It is what makes us unique.


  • Sales and investor deck creation
  • Media relations and training
  • Sales and marketing videos
  • LinkedIn network building
  • Trade show support
  • Sales programs
  • Data analytics
  • Social and influencer marketing

Case Studies

Robin Mack Cercone Brown Company

We are ready to talk to you about your business communications and marketing needs…