PR Tip: Roof Decks

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Splash Ultra Lounge on Kneeland Street (photo: Matt Baldelli)

Splash Ultra Lounge on Kneeland St. (Photo: Matt Baldelli)

As a Boston PR agency, folks expect us to be in the know around town…the parties, people and places that are on the A-List.  Truth be told, we entertain media as much in New York as we do in Boston. For that matter, Nantucket and Park City, too, as part of our Summer House program.  But… we do make an effort to keep up on the best places to eat, drink and do business around the Hub of the Universe.

That’s why we’re both happy and sad to see’s list of roof decks around town.  It’s a one-stop-shop to make some of these lesser known gems even more crowded than usual this summer.

All the same, these are great spots for the right kind of business meeting, aprés office drinks or just for fun.

So…go ahead and enjoy, and don’t forget the shades.